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Appointment  1 – Initial Consultation – 45 Mins.


This involves a long consultation during which the doctor will take a comprehensive history to determine your main concerns and also look for anything relevant in your child’s past history or social situation which may be contributing to the issues. 


A full check up examination including a growth assessment will be done to consider any underlying  medical issues that may be related.


If any investigations are required such as hearing or vision assessment or blood tests – these will be arranged at this visit.


The doctor may also give you some screening questionnaires for completion by yourself and your child’s teacher if there are concerns related to an underlying neurodevelopmental condition such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).


From here the main issues will be established so that an appropriate plan of further investigation and management can be commenced.


You can book “Behavioural and Developmental Assessment” appointment for this purpose.  Bookings with Dr Nicole White and Dr Nikki Twomey can be made here.


If you have concerns for your child related to developmental or behavioural issues our child focused GP’s can help to assess the situation and guide you towards further assessments, specialist reviews and allied health intervention as appropriate.


The waiting times to see Paediatricians or Psychiatrists in this area can be very lengthy however there are many things that can be arranged to support you and your child while you wait for these reviews. 


Outlined here is the process for a Behavioural and Developmental Assessment at Neighbourhood Medical.  Dr Nicole White and Dr Nikki Twomey are available to provide these consultations.





Appointment  2 – Follow up appointment -  Referrals and Recommendations


Results of any investigations and questionnaires will be reviewed at this visit.


Depending on the findings of the initial consultation and investigations, recommendations may be made to engage with other health professionals.  These might include:

  • Paediatrician - referral required

  • Psychologist – will need referral and may be eligible for Mental Health Care Plan (see below)

  • Allied Health – Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist – in some situations your child might be eligible for a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangement which can help to cover the costs of these visits. (See below)

Referrals will be initiated at this follow up visit.   Preparation of Plans may be commenced at this visit if time allows or arrangements will be made for this to be done in a subsequent visit.


Mental Health Care Plan


A Mental Health Care Plan can be completed to help your child manage any concerns related to mental health issues – this might involve areas such as behavioural issues, low confidence and self esteem, anxious personality and depressed mood.


A Mental Health Care Plan allows your child to see a psychologist or mental health accredited Occupational Therapist  for up to 20 visits per calendar year and attract a rebate from medicare for these visits.  A review with the GP is required after the first 6 visits. 

A Mental Health Care Plan cannot be used to cover educational psychology appointments for things such as learning and intelligence assessments. 


GP Management Plan (GPMP) and Team Care Arrangements (TCA)


These plans have been designed as a tool to help those with chronic medical conditions best manage their health needs.    They are only available to those who meet eligibility criteria.   


Once a GPMP and TCA are in place – you may access medicare rebates  for  5 allied health visits (related to your chronic medical condition) per calendar year.


Allied health practitioners are not able to determine eligibility for a GPMP – this needs to be determined by your GP.   Unfortunately if the eligibility criteria is not met, your GP is unable to provide a plan for you. 


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must have a chronic medical condition – present or likely to be present for 6 months or more

  • Medical condition must require ongoing care from a multidisciplinary team.

  • For a Team Care Arrangement  - you must require treatment from 2 or more health providers in addition to your GP .

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